Tag Archive for: Diego Martinez

Science Fiction in the classroom

Can Sci-Fi Novels Help Motivate STEM Learning?

Science fiction is often unfairly compared with fantasy books for educational uses. This is a weak analogy because the two genres are so very different. The two are only related in that they both fall under a larger genre known as speculative fiction and are found in the same section in bookstores.

Ray Bradbury, A.E. van Vogt and Jack Williamson

Conspiracy for a Better World Snapshot: A.E. van Vogt

Battlefield Earth was dedicated by L. Ron Hubbard to Robert A. Heinlein, A. E. van Vogt, John W. Campbell, Jr. and “all the merry crew,” a list of over 80 names! Hubbard states, “They are all worth rereading, every one.” This blog is to help shed some light on A.E. van Vogt’s contribution to that “golden age of science fiction.”

John W. Campbell

Conspiracy for a Better World Snapshot: John W. Campbell, Jr.

This is next in my series on L. Ron Hubbard’s dedication in Battlefield Earth to “all the merry crew” of what became known as America’s Golden Age of Science Fiction. And as Hubbard stated, “They are all worth rereading, every one.” And one prominent name is John W. Campbell, Jr.

Arthur C. Clarke

Conspiracy for a Better World Snapshot: Arthur C. Clarke

This is my second blog in a series on L. Ron Hubbard’s dedication in Battlefield Earth to “all the merry crew” of what became known as America’s Golden Age of Science Fiction. And as Hubbard stated, “They are all worth rereading, every one.” And one prominent name is Arthur C. Clarke.

Robert A. Heinlein

Robert A. Heinlein – the Conspiracy for a Better World

Ron Hubbard dedicated Battlefield Earth to Robert A. Heinlein, A. E. van Vogt, John W. Campbell, Jr. and “all the merry crew” of what became known as America’s Golden Age of Science Fiction. The full list is over 80 names long! And as Hubbard stated, “They are all worth rereading, every one.”

Diego Martinez at the L. Ron Hubbard Library in Hollywood

Diego Martinez – Not Your Typical Science Teacher

Diego Martinez is not your typical science teacher. While he has all the basics to teach, such as a BA in Chemistry and Secondary Education, it’s his passion for …