Are Aliens Real: And Will They Be Good or Bad for Us?
We wanted to know what people thought of the existence of alien life. We also checked for what Stephen Hawking, Jim Marrs, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Elon Musk had to say.
We wanted to know what people thought of the existence of alien life. We also checked for what Stephen Hawking, Jim Marrs, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Elon Musk had to say.
Big government maintains that there are no such things as intelligent alien life forms, while evidence to the contrary abounds. There are 2,625 reported UFO sightings in 2000, 3,069 reported sightings in 2010 and 4,881 in 2017—all listed with the National UFO Reporting Center.
The following article by Jim Marrs written for Galaxy Press addresses the issue of UFOs, aliens and alien invasion initially from the perspective of fiction literature and then from documented incidents.
This is a three-part article written by Jim Marrs, the author of the New York Times bestseller “Alien Agenda.” The final in the series discusses “Is Earth Prepared?”
This is a three-part article written by Jim Marrs, the author of the New York Times bestseller “Alien Agenda.” Part 2: What If They Really Exist? Today, the topic of alien invasion is taken more seriously. A controversial book purporting to be a genuine report from the early 1960s by a “Special Study Group” connected to the federal government entitled “Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace” looked into …
This is a three-part article written by Jim Marrs, the author of the New York Times bestseller “Alien Agenda.” Part 1: A History of Alien Invasion Stories. Some believe the battle for Earth has already begun.
Jim Marrs, New York Times bestselling author of Alien Agenda, the top selling non-fiction book on UFOs in the world, took some time to answer questions on aliens, Battlefield Earth and his views on space travel.
Some believe the battle for Earth has already begun. Long before the days of the Apollo moon landings and private corporations sending satellites into space, some far-sighted writers envisioned an invasion of our planet by beings from other worlds.