Tag Archive for: L. Ron Hubbard

Dune and Battlefield Earth

What Do the Authors of Dune and Battlefield Earth Have in Common?

Frank Herbert and L. Ron Hubbard are legendary authors of Dune and Battlefield Earth who valued the essence of storytelling above all. Their many common traits include their efforts to support and inspire future generations of writers.


Space Diplomacy Part 2: Lessons From Star Trek and Battlefield Earth

Glean lessons on cosmic diplomacy from legendary sci-fi explorers such as Star Trek’s Captain Picard or Battlefield Earth’s hero, Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, to gain valuable perspectives applicable to future extraterrestrial outreach.

Orson Scott Card Ender's Game

What Inspired Orson Scott Card to Write Ender’s Game?

What inspired Orson Scott Card to write Ender’s Game? What qualities should an author have to create a masterpiece such as Ender’s Game, Dune, The Foundation Series, Stranger in a Strange Land, and Battlefield Earth?

The Chinkos in Battlefield Earth

Human Aliens: The Chinkos in Battlefield Earth

In L. Ron Hubbard’s sweeping sci-fi epic Battlefield Earth, he introduces the Chinkos, an extraterrestrial race akin to humanity, often called “human aliens.” These enigmatic beings were the guardians of knowledge in the intergalactic saga set in the year 3,000.

Message of Peace

Message of Peace in Science Fiction

In a world riddled by conflict, science fiction can emerge as a beacon of hope, conveying a message of peace and unity between diverse species, civilizations, galaxies, and universes.

Voyager spacecraft

Was It a Mistake to Broadcast Earth Coordinates on Voyager?

Was it a mistake to put Earth’s coordinates on the space probes Voyager 1 and 2? According to the science fiction novel, Battlefield Earth, by L. Ron Hubbard, the answer is yes.

Are aliens real?

Are Aliens Real: And Will They Be Good or Bad for Us?

We wanted to know what people thought of the existence of alien life. We also checked for what Stephen Hawking, Jim Marrs, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Elon Musk had to say.

UFOs in Washington DC, 1952

UFO Sightings: A Peaceful Union or a Battlefield Earth?

Big government maintains that there are no such things as intelligent alien life forms, while evidence to the contrary abounds. There are 2,625 reported UFO sightings in 2000, 3,069 reported sightings in 2010 and 4,881 in 2017—all listed with the National UFO Reporting Center.

Star Nebula

Awe-Inspiring Facts About the Size of the Universe You Never Knew

The size of the Milky Way and the observable universe and how one science fiction author surmised the number of universes.

Star Wars Ships

Star Wars and Battlefield Earth: Classic Science Fiction at Its Best

A fan’s deep dive into Star Wars and Battlefield Earth. What makes them timeless? If you love Star Wars, see why Battlefield Earth is a must-read.