Message of Peace in Science Fiction
In a world riddled by conflict, science fiction can emerge as a beacon of hope, conveying a message of peace and unity between diverse species, civilizations, galaxies, and universes.
In a world riddled by conflict, science fiction can emerge as a beacon of hope, conveying a message of peace and unity between diverse species, civilizations, galaxies, and universes.
“It is also a story of superstition and fear and how it is overcome—by children.” —Rocky Mountain News interview with L. Ron Hubbard
The science fiction sub-genre of Space Opera has not always been the most popular category in sci-fi books.
Science fiction is often unfairly compared with fantasy books for educational uses. This is a weak analogy because the two genres are so very different. The two are only related in that they both fall under a larger genre known as speculative fiction and are found in the same section in bookstores.
We decided to approach Terl for his suggested back to school list of books to read, and we were surprised when he agreed to provide his list.
We are very excited to be heading back to Atlanta for Dragon Con 2017. In preparation for this and for the very BIG surprise we are bringing with us—quite in addition to the new mass market paperback release—we thought we would recap on last year’s event.
“We think nothing of going into an area and taking out minerals at the expense of the plant and animal life. So what would it be like if an advanced race of aliens viewed the entire planet of Earth in the same way?
“It is also a story of superstition and fear and how it is overcome—by children.” —Rocky Mountain News interview with L. Ron Hubbard
Science fiction, also known as SF or sci-fi, is part of a larger genre within fiction known as speculative fiction. Speculative fiction not only includes science fiction, but also fantasy and horror as well.
Diego Martinez is not your typical science teacher. While he has all the basics to teach, such as a BA in Chemistry and Secondary Education, it’s his passion for …